security budget optimization

Prioritize Security Investments

Squalify enables you to calculate and optimize the ROI of your security investments and prioritize them for the greatest impact.

problem statement

The Cost of Cybercrime is escalating

Ransomware activity alone will cost victims $265 billion annually. Are you prepared? Or are you still struggling to justify your security investment plans to your board? Read on to learn how Squalify can help CISOs make a compelling business case for security improvements and prove the ongoing effectiveness and ROI of existing and future initiatives.

Ransomware activity alone will cost victims $265 billion annually.


Maximize the Impact of your Security Investments.

With Squalify, you can quantify the financial loss of your cyber risk and estimate the ROI of your cybersecurity spend. This gives you the powerful narrative you need to prioritize meaningful security initiatives and make the case for security investments to your Board.

Comprehensive risk overview: Identify which business areas are over-exposed to cyber risk and where you need to strengthen controls.

ROI calculation: Provide risk reduction metrics to enable ROI calculations to easily prioritize the activities that will have the greatest impact.

Continuous security monitoring: Track the effectiveness of security improvements and risk management performance over time to ensure your subsidiaries stay ahead of emerging cyber threats.


How Squalify correctly prioritize your Security Investments.

Risk Balance

Squalify can determine whether your information security measures are adequate given your organization's exposure to cyber threats. With this insight, you can quickly identify which scenarios or business units need priority attention.

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Loss Scenarios

Gain insight into the financial impact of significant cyber events. Quantify expected loss for rare but impactful scenarios (1-in-100 and 1-in-200-year events), providing a calibrated outlook based on your unique risk profile and a quantitative view of materiality.

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Identify the financial impact of changes to security controls. Create sophisticated simulations to calculate the ROI of security investments. Compare the financial outcomes of different control improvements to justify prioritizations and negotiate the size of the cyber improvement business case.

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"The quality and speed of getting results with the Squalify CRQ platform is unparalleled."
Volker Burgers
Partner and Cyber Strategy Lead at Deloitte Germany