supply chain risk

C-Level Visibility Into Supply Chain Risk

Squalify helps you manage cyber risk in your supplier network. Identify which suppliers to trust and which to avoid. Gain insight from real historical cyber loss data.

problem statement

Supply Chain Security Breaches increased by 26%

The growing vulnerability of today's supply chains to cyber risk is alarming. The number of supply chain security breaches increased by 26% between 2022 and 2023, with the average cost per incident reaching a record $4.45 million, highlighting the urgent need for proper third-party cyber risk management. Are there still gaps in your supply chain, or is it secure enough?

The average number of supply chain breaches that negatively impact organizations increased by 26% from 2022 to 2023.


Centralize your Supply Chain Risk Management

Squalify will show you the best ways to make your supply chain more resilient: By diversifying your supplier base, implementing additional safeguards, or requiring your suppliers to improve their security posture for specific cyber risks.

Holistic risk assessment: Gain a comprehensive view of how a cyber event in your supply chain can impact your organization's risk position. Use this insight to prioritize suppliers for more in-depth assessment.

Supplier risk insight: Start your supply chain risk journey with minimum supplier involvement - all you need is your supplier's financial statements.

Cyber due diligence: Reveal the vulnerabilities and potential cyber risks of working with a supplier by analyzing their overall security maturity.


How Squalify boost your Supply Chain Resilience

Scenario-based Assessments

Model how your organization’s business interruption, data privacy breach, ransomware or fraud scenarios can be triggered by your supply chain. Use these insights to prioritize supplier risk discussions and focus on the WHY.

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Cyber Due Diligence

Quantify the financial risk of suppliers to a level of detail based on their importance. Complete a full assessment for critical suppliers, or a quick assessment focussing on priority controls for important but not critical suppliers.

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Risk Balance

Squalify can determine whether your suppliers' information security measures are adequate given their exposure to cyber threats. With this insight, you can prioritize the right risk mitigation activities for the highest risks.

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"The quality and speed of getting results with the Squalify CRQ platform is unparalleled."
Volker Burgers
Partner and Cyber Strategy Lead at Deloitte Germany